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Form (click here)<<
P a s c a
l D o l l e - Germany
DJ / Producer
/ Remixer
Dolle is considered to be one of the
youngest most successful DJs worldwide. Pascal has not only played at some of
the world's most prestigious nightclubs, he started Germany's legendary
after-hours club "Stoerung." Pascal has held residencies at the
notorious German clubs Roxy, Nexxus, Toy and Reactor. Pascal's talent on
the decks has also earned him 2nd place in Germany's largest national DJ
competition "Guvi." He has performed live at elite hot spots like
Space Ibiza, Streetparade and at numerous Loveparades in Berlin, which annually
draws a crowed of over 1 million party people. Pascal's
first mixed CD compilation sold over 80,000 units in Germany, which naturally
opened the doors to the United States market. The rising demand for his
music and his talent lead him to tour America over four times in one year,
playing for superclubs
like Spundae, Hedonism, Utopia and Nikita. The release of Generation
Episode 2, on
ICU, brought even more recognition to Pascal's name. Pascal has just
finished producing a track in tribute to club Utopia in Las Vegas, titled
"Utopia", which was released in Germany on Netrecords and will also be
on his upcoming ICU mixed compilation “Connect” along with his hit song
“Continuous Fire”. Pascal
continues to tour the US when his European schedule allows, with time in between
spent on production and studio work. Look
for his new album “Connect” due out on October 23rd in your local
music store.
>>Artist's upcoming Tour Dates (click her)<<
>>Artist Request
Form (click here)<<
For inquires, contact ICU Media, Inc. @: |
Ph: USA - (323) 860 0650 |
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